Sunday, July 7, 2013

His plan... not ours!

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

As EQUIP1 Ministries' first mission trip approached there was much pressure to be on top of every detail and to be ready for every contingency our minds could imagine.   Our team had spent months preparing . . . conducting numerous team conference calls to discuss the logistics of the trip, gathering supplies, and holding multiple ‘packing parties’ to squeeze in as many of the countless donations we had received.  So many of us had been exposed to the needs of these children on past trips . . . now we were ready to go further, and act on what we had seen.

The primary focus of the trip was to conduct vocational training workshops for the senior orphans at the FIWAGOH Mission Orphanage.  These workshops included hands on learning activities to teach basic sewing, culinary and first aid medical care concepts.  The education professionals on the team also planned to work with the orphanage's primary school staff to demonstrate math teaching techniques for grades K-6.  The team began to gel and as the date approached for our departure we sensed that God had brought this group together with its unique set of gifts and abilities to carry out the ‘mission’ we felt God had called us to do.  Now fully packed we loaded up, boarded our plane and began the long journey.  Our hearts were FULL as we anticipated all that would be accomplished.
I smile as I look back . . . we should know by now that what we plan is always limited by our own perspective and our tendency to blaze our own trail.  We had NO idea ALL that He had in mind . . . ALL that He would teach us as He adjusted OUR simple 'plans' to make an incredible difference in the lives of these orphans.
It will take several posts to share how God orchestrated this trip . . . using us, as HE would see fit, rather than how WE planned.  He moved in our midst to do above and beyond what we could imagine, think.. or 'plan'.  As I sit and try to process all that transpired in a matter of two weeks, and all that continues to happen, I am beyond humbled that He would choose to use us . . .  in ANY way . . . to further His kingdom.  But that is how He works.  He sees the whole picture, when we only can see the immediate circumstances.  He is working behind the scenes, since before time began to creatively navigate . . . and for some crazy reason to use US . . . as broken as we are . . . to bring Him MUCH GLORY!

So as this story unfolds of how God "established our steps" . . . I hope you catch a glimpse of how BIG our God is, how much He LOVES the orphan child, and how He can using ordinary people like you and me to make a difference in their lives.

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