Thursday, March 17, 2011

Uganda - Part 2

My 'girls' - Vivian & Litisha.  Pray for 'Liti' - I had to take her to the hospital yesterday before we left for Kampala.  She has a bad cough and fever.  They gave her an 'IV' - (Uganda style) a shot in her vein.  They had to try two times to get it in the vein.  I held her while she screamed.... then wiped her tears and gave her lots of hugs and kisses.  I took her to her Auntie Jane because she needed to try to eat.  I was drained and fighting tears as I rejoined our team already eating lunch.  30 minutes later... when I walked into the yard - I was greeted by a smiling Liti.  She came running to me - with lots of hugs.  Not her typically 'silly self', but good to see her perked up again.  I had to leave shortly after, and I am praying she is getting better each day.  We will be back at Canaan's tomorrow evening.  How hard that these little ones get sick and have limited people around to give them the attention they so need.

Bret & his buddy - Eddy.  The little 'bully' at Canaan's... yet all smiles when Bret is around.  Very possessive  of Bret - way tooooo cute!

Quite a mix of animals in the back yard of a home as we walked the neighborhood.

Kindergarten class lining up for their cup of porridge mid-day at Canaan's.  This is the edge of their outdoor school room.

Passed this man on the road as he just filled his water at this water hole - a pipe coming out of the mountain into a muddy pit.  The water coming out looked somewhat clear - that is what they use for drinking, cooking and washing. 

Older ladies in the neighborhood... we stopped and took their picture... then turned the camera around so they could see themselves... they were very surprised... wonder if they have ever seen themselves before.

The homes we saw as we walked around the neighborhood.

Passed this mama carrying her baby on her back.
Hoping to load a video shortly....So much to tell you all about, but hope you enjoy these pictures!
Miss my kid - love you Liz, Ethan and Emma!


Unknown said...

Ohhh Diana, again....SO MOVING...I love all the pics, BEAUTIFUL!!! Keep telling us how we can pray for you and the children, i know tomorrow is a big day! Oh Lord prepare you!

We Are Family said...

Don't you just love Africa?