Wednesday, September 21, 2011

21 Days and COUNTING....

I am beyond amazed
that I will be boarding a plane in 21 days...
heading back to Kenya and Uganda!
God has been moving mountains
and orchestrating the details 
of this trip all along.
I am humbled and honored 
that He has opened the doors
for me to lead a team 
to love on some
amazing kids!
As I am packing my bags to go,
I am asking you to consider
helping me to meet the specific requests
of several of the orphanages.
Here is the list of what I still need to collect:

lots of embroidery thread (for friendship bracelets)
a pair of electric hair clippers
cloth diapers
Tacky craft glue
pencils & sharpeners
children's pain reliever (chewable & liquid)
triple anti-biotic ointment
hydro-cortizone cream

If you are able to donate any of the above items,
please send me a message at:

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