Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Uganda Team - Part 1

We are here... after a VERY long 24 hours of flying.  All of our luggage made it!  We just finished our 1st day on the ground.  Here is a quick summary of our day that I just posted on Facebook.

Amazing day at the Remand Home. Was able to share the gospel message of Salvation... incredible to be standing there telling this group of kids that Jesus came to be the payment for their sins.... to forgive them.... to wash them white as snow (that one was lost in the translation... no context here for SNOW) we all got a good laugh at that one! They sang with us... "I will pray in Jesus name and believe things will change - for I know Jesus hears me when I pray, so I won't worry or be afraid... " tears in my eyes as 120 sang at the top of their voices. Thank you Lord for such a good day!  

It is almost mid-night here and with only about 10 hours of sleep since Saturday.... I am heading to bed!!  SO appreciate ALL your prayers.  Please don't stop!!  We are heading to the second 'Remand Center' tomorrow.  Many kids with very little HOPE!  Pray that we can be a light for them.... that they will see the HOPE of Jesus in us!

By the way.... wish you could have all seen Liz's face as we made the hour drive from the airport to our guest house!  Overwhelmed, shocked... those might be two good words!  SO fun for me to see her reaction.  She had a great time today with all the kids at the Remand Home.  Many stories to tell!!

More updates to come --- and pics (promise)!


Julie said...

Love the update and so excited that God is continuing to use you to bless the children!

Unknown said...

can't wait to see pics!! Praying you all are getting good peacful rest at night. Praying for the little ones!