Sunday, July 3, 2011

Uganda - no pics loading yet...

With very limited internet access.... I was going to give you a few pics from Uganda - but they are taking forever to load.  We have not even had time to load them all on the computer yet!  This has been a VERY busy week - always on the go!!  We are very tired, but in great spirits!  Amazing to SEE the hand of GOD in SO many ways this week..... many stories to come once I have time to sit and process it all.

A 'five loaves and two fish' experience as we watched God multiply t-shirts right in front of us at the prison.

An amazing morning spending time in the homes of many of the Karamojong women.  They shared their crafts with us and then welcomed us into their homes.  UNBELIEVABLE!!

HUNDREDS of kids... hugging, singing, playing with bubbles and balloons... the JOY in their faces when they receive a BALLOON!

Sweet fellowship with Ugandan pastors.  Amazing to hear their stories and see their love and passion to share Jesus with their own people!

TODAY... we head to Kenya.  A very LONG day of travel.  We arrive at 3:00am.  Please pray for safety and good health.  Several on our team have intestinal issues and sore throats.

Gotta go!
Love to all!!

OH... we passed out the first wave of dresses... they LOVED them!  Pics on that coming soon too!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Thanks for taking the time to update us in the midst of it all! Praying for you guys!