Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday in Kenya

Week #2 - Friday
Bret & Liz are getting tired... ready for the reinforcements to come!!
Below is what Friday looked like in Kenya....

Kind of like our highway projects at home . . . one guy working and four guys watching
  They run the big tire down the hill and try to knock the guys off the pile

Guess who . . . the girls pulled our favorite pink orphan in and dressed him up with a scarf
FIWAGOH's version of a motorcycle gang . . . 
Finishing the joists for the first floor
 Seriously . . . this has gone too far . . .
Liz supervising . . .
  Seems sturdy
 Oops . . . ran into a snag . . . had to take the joists out and reinstall
We have the beginnings of stairs for the little ones to get up to the "slider"
Fish lips . . . works with kids on any continent . . .
End of day five . . . Nash helping me pick up the jobsite
  Almost looks like we know what we are doing . . .
Glad I came two weeks early, slow going when you are on Africa time

 I am still AMAZED at what Skype can do... Bret walks the laptop down to the field where the playground is being built so that I can see the progress.  There waiting is a group of kiddos!  They are so excited (and I think a little baffled) that they can see Emma and I all the way in America!  WAY too cute!!
... and yes, after packing 13 more bags (a total of 21 now) I would say 

Next post... will be direct from Kenya!
Appreciate all the prayers for safety, smooth check-in, on-time flights
and LOTS of good sleep on the plane!

Definitely feel honored and humbled tonight as I go to bed...
that He would choose to use us.

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