Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Supplies & Sleep!

My morning started bright and early at 6:30am when Bret called, but I will take a morning wake up call from Kenya - any day!  It was SO good to hear his voice, and I could tell he was somewhere rather BUSY.  He explained he was walking through the city purchasing tools and hardware for the playground.  They were heading to the lumber yard next and then on to the market.  He sounded excited and said they were getting a lot accomplished.

We set a time later in the day to try and do a Skype video call.
It amazes me that we could video chat through the computer for over an hour... and all for FREE! He caught me up on all the plans, progress and items I need to bring from home.  Liz came in half way through our call. She had been sleeping in the room next door.  Poor thing... she is still not feeling well.  Dealing with major bouts of nausea and exhaustion.  Her body is having a really hard time bouncing back from two nights of very little sleep, 24 hours of travel and a 7 hour time change.  She had a bout with Mono this past winter and I think it is taking a toll on her system even now.

Please PRAY for both of them... 
that their bodies can quickly adjust,
that they can catch up on much needed sleep,
that they will have the strength, stamina and endurance for the task at hand.

Bret said they were both pretty exhausted from all the walking all day purchasing and collecting supplies.  As I write this post... Bret is probably up and getting ready for another day.  I am praying that Liz just stays in bed to get more SLEEP!  They will be going to another place to order cement ingredients and purchase the 15' posts which will be transported back to the orphanage on top of Pastor Benson's small truck. Pictures have been promised ... of a very typical African mode of transporting things!  Bret felt that most of the supplies would be at the orphanage by Thursday, so they should be well underway with construction by Friday.  Lots of holes to be HAND dug, cement to be mixed, and material to be carried.  So thankful there are MANY HANDS available to help... even before our Team gets there!

Bret & Liz were able to take some time after dinner to play a game of kick-ball with about 120 of the kids.  Bret said he didn't think they quite 'grasped' the concept.. a little hard with that many kids... but they had a great time!  So glad they took a few minutes from the 'project' to play and love on some amazing kiddos!

Counting the days until we will be joining them, but much still to be done here at home.  Trying to get everything squeezed into our bags, yet keep them under the weight limit!  Always a challenge!

Please continue lifting Bret & Liz up... YOU are a vital part of our TEAM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Continually praying for you and your family and for strength. Even inch by inch, keep moving forward. There is no other time than right now.